If anything ever happens to your home that prevents you from living there for a while, such as fire damage, do you have a plan for how you would pay to stay somewhere else while your home is being fixed? If you have home insurance on your house, it might cover the costs of repairing your house, but it would not cover the expenses of staying somewhere else during this time unless you have additional living expense (ALE) coverage.
What Is ALE?
ALE is a unique type of coverage that is often included in home insurance. If it is not included in your policy, you can add this type of coverage to your house. Unfortunately, many people purchase home insurance policies and do not even know what they include or exclude. If you are not sure if your current policy has ALE coverage, you should check right away.
If you currently do not have this coverage, you should add it to your policy immediately. ALE coverage is not something you may ever need, but it will come in very handy if you ever do encounter a time when you need it.
What Does It Cover?
The nice part about ALE coverage is that it will help you pay for extra expenses you incur if something major happens to your home. The first thing it will help cover is the costs of a hotel room or apartment. If a minor problem occurs with your home, you may need to move out for a couple of weeks. In this situation, you could stay at a hotel, and your ALE coverage would help you pay for that.
If something destroyed your entire home, the ALE coverage could help you pay for the cost of renting an apartment or a house for months during the reconstruction process.
Your ALE coverage may also provide compensation to you for meals and basic necessities you must buy, such as personal hygiene products and clothing.
Every home insurance policy that offers ALE coverage has limits, though, and you should find out what these are if you ever need to file a claim for ALE coverage.
Having home insurance coverage is vital for any person that owns a home, but having ALE coverage is equally important. If you need additional coverage for your policy, or if you would like to get a free quote for home insurance, contact a homeowner's insurance company today.