Car insurance can be a very large expense. If you feel like you are drowning by paying your car insurance, you need to make changes that will allow you to pay and keep your car insurance.

Way #1: Increase Your Deductible

If you feel like your car insurance premium is too high, you may want to consider increasing your deductible. Increasing your deductible will increase the amount that you have to pay for your insurance company should you need to make a claim.

So, if you get into an accident, the portion of repairs that you will have to pay is going to be larger. However, what you have to pay each month is going to be less. It is often a good idea to make sure you have the amount needed to cover your deductible saved already so that you can enjoy a lower premium while also being able to afford that higher deductible should you need to pay it.

Find out how high you can increase your deductible and how much that will decrease your premium.

Way #2: Drop Coverage You Don't Need

Second, you need to review your policy and make sure you are not carrying insurance you don't need. For example, gap insurance is important when you are carrying a car loan, but once you pay off your vehicle, gap insurance is essentially worthless to you, as it is designed to cover any gap between the cost of your vehicle and paying off your loan if your vehicle is totaled.

You may also want to consider dropping collision or comprehensive coverage, depending on the value of your vehicle. For example, if your vehicle is worth $1,500, and you are paying $500 per year for collision coverage, you would probably be better served by saving up that $500 per year and then paying for comprehensive insurance coverage.

Way #3: Usage-Based Insurance

If you don't drive that much, you may be paying more than you should for your car insurance based on the number of miles you spend on the road. You may want to look into a usage-based insurance program.

Each major car insurance company has a different name for their usage-based insurance program, but basically, you install a telemetric device on your vehicle and only pay for insurance based on when and how much you drive. If you are a low-mileage driver, this can greatly reduce your insurance costs.

You can reduce your insurance costs by increasing your deductible, dropping coverage you don't need, and switching to a usage-based insurance plan if you are a low-mileage driver.

To learn more, contact a resource like Illinois Insurance Center Inc.
