When you think about life insurance, it can seem like something you don't need today and just another bill to add every month, but nothing could be farther from the truth. Life insurance doesn't benefit the policyholder but can make a huge difference for the beneficiary. No matter what your age and occupation, a life insurance policy can make a difference for your family or those left behind.
How Much Insurance Should You Have?
The problem with life insurance is that the point of it is to cover you in the future not now. How much will it cost for a funeral 20 years from now? Nobody can predict that so buying enough insurance to cover all the final expenses after you pass may not be possible. But covering some of the expenses is better than leaving your family with no way to pay for your funeral after your gone. The amount of insurance you need is very hard to know but get as much as you can afford to pay for so that the family has enough to take care of everything after you pass. Only you can choose the amount you think you will need but if you are not sure, talk with your family and see if they can help you work out the amount of coverage you need.
Insurance Packages For Everyone
Life insurance is pretty easy to get these days. In fact, most companies will write a policy for you at any age now, and many don't even care about your health conditions. The premiums are coming down from years past, but the policy payouts are smaller too so when you are shopping for insurance, look at all the options and ask questions about the policy, the payout, and how the process works so that you are sure it is the right package for you. Make sure there are no limitations for shorter terms or for something that is out of your control and don't just settle on the first insurance company you talk to. Shop around because you can never tell what is out there that you don't know about.
Getting Your Executor Involved
When you start to choose a life insurance policy, it is a good idea to get the person who you have named as your executor involved in the process. They need to understand how the policy is set up, how to get the payout from it, and what limitations are on the policy. In most cases, the executor will be the one applying for the payment and will arrange your final services, so they need to be clear about how your policy works. Remember that the executor is the person you need to put on the policy as the beneficiary because that is who the money from your policy will go to. You can make a family member the beneficiary, but that means they need to collect the payout and be part of setting up the funeral and final services.